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A 1973 Superlead 100 watt owned by Magic Bus Records.

It didn't have any mods and was focused on the "back in the day" sound by fitting vintage tubes into it.

Using the optimal micing point and microphone combination, the best re-amping tools and microphone preamplifiers.

I have captured the optimal tone that I have researched and practiced for 10 years while recording guitar using only amp miking with ToneX.

2. Marshall's crunch tone that makes you nod your head as soon as you hear it

[Free] TONEX MagicBus Collection - Marshall SuperLead 100 '1973 Crunch

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© 2024 by  MagicBus Record (Studio, ENT)   상호 : 매직버스 레코드 ENT (엔터테인먼트)  사업자 등록번호 404-09-53959 

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   서울시 구로구 고척 2동  164-89 B1   도로명주소: 서울시 구로구 고척로 176  B1

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